Pilgrim's Progress: Christian comes to the Cross
A.A. Milne's "The Ugly Duckling"
Ben Hur online options
Grammar Help: complex and compound sentences
- English 1001
- Simple, Comound & Complex -- YouTube Video
- Interactive exercises
- No Red Ink -- look for Compound/Complex Sentences
- Subordinating Conjunctions -- YouTube Video
- Elements of Fiction -- Setting PPT Notes
- Mrs. Reilly's high school composition grading rubric
- Mirrors & WindowsEMC BOOKSHELF
- Mythweb.com--Welcome to Mythweb, devoted to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology.
- PLAGIARISM -- Tutorial on how to eliminate accidental/purposeful plagiarism (Vaughn Memorial Library)
- Practice with Synonyms and Antonyms
- Wacky Web Tales -- Create mad-lib stories with your own words
- Word Drop -- Fun word challenge
- Links to various college and classroom Writing Guidelines